Giants in the Earth Performances This Weekend

By February 28, 2012News

The Encore Players will present a Readers’ Theater version of cuttings from the novel Giants in the Earth by Ole Rolvaag.  Rolvaag writes, “Bright, clear sky over a plain so wide that the rim of the heavens cut down on it around the entire horizon…Bright, clear sky.”  In writing Giants in the Earth Ole Rolvaag captured the essence of the pioneer experience on the great plains.  Published in 1927 this book shows what it meant to Europeans to pull up their stakes and adventure into this strange new world.  The Readers’ Theater version of Giants in the Earth which will be performed on March 3rd and 4th was created by Myrna Johnson as part of a centennial celebration held by St. Olaf in Rolvaag’s honor in 1976.  This theater piece was also broadcast on Channel 2 at that time, and went on tour around southern Minnesota.  The Encore Players cast includes Jim McDonnell, Chris Ellison, Myrna Johnson, John Rondestvedt and Patsy Dew.   The reading is true to this beloved book, capturing the vivid pictures of the characters and dramatic stories.

Performances are on the NSC stage in room 103; Sat, March 3 at 7pm and Sun, March 4 at 2pm.  Fierstekake, a Norwegian dessert, will be served after each performance.  Tickets ($10) are on sale at the Senior Center Reception Desk, and may be purchased on the phone (664-3700) with a credit card.