Art Gallery
If you are interested in exhibiting at the FiftyNorth Gallery,
please contact the Michelle at (507) 664-3707
Next Artist Reception is: Thursday, January 30, 2025, 4pm
Now Showing in the Gallery:
Kathy Ness – Fabric Creations
Gerald Hoekstra – Photography
Gallery Show: January 3 – February 28
Artist Reception
Thursday, January 30th from 4 to 5pm
Kathy Ness – Fabric Creations
KNess Designs is the result of my passion for upcycling and creating beautiful and unique clothing and other useful items. I use recycled materials to create one of a kind pieces that are both stylish and sustainable. Each item is handmade with love and attention to detail, and I strive to make the world a better place by reducing waste and giving new life to pre-loved items. I invite you to browse my collections and join me on my mission to create a more sustainable future.
I retired from the Northfield Public Library 8 years ago and am enjoying following my creative passions and volunteering.
Gerald Hoekstra – Photography
Gerald Hoekstra is a resident of Northfield. Before retiring to a life of birding and photography, he was Professor of Music at St. Olaf College. As a photographer, he focuses primarily on wildlife, especially birds, but also on landscapes and architecture. The photographs in this exhibit come from three different trips to Ecuador, including one to the Galapagos Islands (which belong to Ecuador). Hoekstra has birded and photographed wildlife in South America, Central America, Europe, and South Africa, as well as throughout the U.S. and Canada. His photographs appear in Bob Janssen’s Birds in Minnesota, Kim Eckert’s A Birders’ Guide to Minnesota, The Hummingbird Handbook, and the recently released monumental volume The Breeding Birds of Minnesota (U. of MN Press), as well as in several birding apps. They can often be seen on the home page of the Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union ( and in Minnesota Birding, the newsletter of the MOU.
Coming up Next in the Gallery:
Artists, we are excited to showcase your art here at FiftyNorth, where hundreds of people visit each day!
Our exhibits run for approximately 5 weeks and can be an individual show or a group of artists working together. Contact us for more details.
Gallery space:
- 3 glass cases – 16in x 16in shelves (4-5 shelves per case)
- 4 wall spaces – 6 ft long x 4 ½ ft tall
- 1 long wall – 40 ft long x 4 ½ ft tall