National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter Program

By June 5, 2012News

A National Weather Service meteorologist will visit The Center and will use

nationally prepared slide and film materials to help the spotters learn what to look for and how to remain safe in their operation.

SKYWARN is a program established by the National Weather Service in the 1970s with a goal of obtaining critical weather information during times of severe weather. Skywarn works with local organizations and private citizens who have a desire to serve their communities. Skywarn volunteers receive training in severe storm identification and evolution, and when severe weather threatens, they become “storm spotters”, reporting information in real-time to the local NWS office. Storm spotters are the nation’s first line of defense against severe weather, and they know that their efforts may ultimately help to save lives. Their information, when combined with sophisticated technology such as doppler radar, satellite and lightning displays, helps NWS meteorologists in their primary mission… the issuance of warnings and advisories for the protection of life and property.


Monday, June 11   6:00 – 8:30pm
ROOM 103
No Cost but space is limited   
Preregister at Front Desk by June 7