Bird Watching Opportunity on Friday, May 9

By May 5, 2014News

Gene Bauer will lead a group through the Riverbend Nature Center area looking especially for migratory birds.Warbler_Blackburnian_MikeMcDowell

This is an optimal time for birding, as this is the peak time for birds on their way north for the summer to pass through the area.  To see a complete list of birds Gene thinks might be seen on May 9, open the attached pdf file.

Gene loves birding, and enjoys sharing this love with others.  About this interest he writes, “I’m an avid birder and have been for most of my life.  I’ve birded extensively in the US and around the world.  Because one of my joys is engaging others in observing and identifying birds in their natural environment, I regularly lead bird outings for the Carleton Arb as well as individuals and small groups related to CRWP.  I have been the Compiler of the annual Christmas Bird Count in Rice County, assisted with owl research in northern Minnesota and was responsible for two Breeding Bird Survey routes in Minnesota as part of the US Geological Survey/Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.  I’m also a staff volunteer for Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory during the fall raptor migration over the bluffs above Duluth.”

Gene will lead the group to areas in Riverbend where birds can be seen in the early morning.  Plan on about 2-1/2 hours, easy walking.  Dress appropriately for the weather; the outing will be canceled in case of rain.

Group will carpool from the Sr. Center parking lot at 6am on Friday, May 9

No fee, but plan on giving drivers a few dollars to pay for gas.  Outing is limited to 12 participants.

​Registration Deadline: May 7            CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP ONLINE​