The Northfield Senior Center offers Mac and PC computer courses with hands-on instruction specifically designed to meet the needs of seniors. For details on the courses available and the schedule for upcoming courses, see the COMPUTER page on our website Courses offered in the near future include the 2-session offerings of Introduction to iPad/iPhone (Sept.23 and 25), Introduction to Computers/Mac (Sept. 29 and Oct. 1) and Intro to Computers/WIN (Sept. 30 and Oct. 2). Note: Registration for all courses must be completed by noon of the preceding Wednesday.
I am interested in the Introduction to iPad/iPhone on Sept. 23 and 25. I have a Samsung pad. Would the course still be valuable to me. My phone is also a less well known variety – a Huawei through Consumer Cellular. Same questions.
Thank you for advising.
Hi Ann,
I will forward your question to Jim Finholt and Catherine Hanson, who teach the class. Maybe you’ve already heard from one of them, as I sent them this question yesterday after you called the Center to ask about it.