As we all know, when it comes to new equipment or change there is always a learning curve. To make things easier for this month Craig Swenson has gathered the assistance of volunteers and trainers to be available in the wellness center during certain hours each day. These volunteers and trainers will be there to help answer any basic questions that people may have about the new machines. We will have this style of orientation/monitoring for the rest of this month to see if we can help as many people as possible at the Northfield Senior Center. We will post at the front desk and by the check in screen, the special dates and times people can come in to be orientated on the new equipment. Members do not need to sign up; they just need to come come in when it works best for them.
Here is the schedule for this week (May 11 – 15):
Monday 11th
8 am to 9 am Rita Olson
9 am to 10 am Sue Norstad
3 pm to 4 pm Sheilah Giles
Tuesday 12th
10:30 am to 11:30 am Nancy Nieman
1 to 2 pm Nancy Nieman
2 to 3 pm Sheliah Giles
3 to 4 pm Sheliah Giles
Wednesday 13th
8 am to 9 am Sheliah Giles and Kyle Nelson
9 am to 10 am Kyle Nelson
Thursday 14th
10:00 am to 11 am Sue Norstad
10:30 am to 2 pm Kyle Buck
5 to 6 pm Kyle Nelson
Friday 15th
8 am to 9 am Rita Olson
12 noon to 1 pm Sheliah Giles
Watch for more orientations for the new equipment next week.