Review of the Shakespeare Plays in Winona

By July 6, 2015News

Note from Bill and Char Carlson:

“We have been privileged to see the opening performances of Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado at the Great Rivers Shakespeare Festival during the past two
weekends.  These classic works of Shakespeare were performed with amazing artistic clarity and articulation by the professional company beginning its 12th Season.  The performances of Chris Gerson and Tarah Flanagan as Benedick and Beatrice are amazing highlights in their long history of memorable performances at GRSF  and emphasize the quality of the entire cast directed by Jim Edmondson long time GRSF and Ashland Oregon Shakespeare leader.  We have seen this play in London and the GRSF version is clearly at or above that standard.
Romeo and Juliet, directed by Doug Scholz-Carlson, is a powerful and amazing interpretation of this Shakespeare Classic.  Caroline Amos, a new young actor, provides an energetic, delightful, and moving interpretation of Juliet with Ben Boucvalt providing a very strong Romeo as the two present the joy and tragedy of young love.  The entire professional company provides many strong performances and the result is one of the most creative performances of Romeo and Juliet performed on any stage.

There are still a few seat left for the bus trips to see Romeo and Juliet on July 15 and Much Ado on July 22.  Contact the Senior Center for details and tickets.  Click on the name of the show you would like to attend to sign up online.