Reginaldo Haslett Marroquin, Hot Topic Speaker on Wednesday, Jan 30

By January 28, 2013News

HOT TOPIC: CHANGES IN OUR FOOD PRODUCTION               10:30am, at the Senior Center, 1651 Jefferson Pkwy

Regi Haslett-Marroquin, Director of the Rural Enterprise Center, will deal with these questions:  How do we plan to produce the food of our future under a less predictable climate, with higher demand and heavy industry manipulation? What would it take to make our food system local?

Regi will break down these questions with specific examples of products, following them from farm to table, then counterposing them with the challenges of climate change, food demands, resources, seasonality of our food production in MN and other factors that must be accounted for in MN.   He will also address food-industry barriers to making our food system local.

Fee: $5     Please register (by phone, on-line, in person)