Step Ahead Campaign

By July 21, 2015Annual Fund Drive, Donate, News

We had a great turnout at the Senior Center for the 4th of July picnic on the patio this year. About 130 hungry folks lined up for great food, lively music, warm sunshine and engaging conversations. Thank you to those who planned, prepared, decorated, set-up, cooked, served, and cleaned up!  It was a fun 4th of July – except for one problem.  It wasn’t on the 4th, it was on the 3rd of July!  WHY?  Why did we celebrate the 4th of July on the 3rd of July?

The simple answer is that the Senior Center was closed on the 4th, a national holiday. So we celebrated a day early.  But maybe there is more to it. Could there be a deeper reason?

I think we celebrated the 4th on the 3rd because THE NORTHFIELD SENIOR CENTER IS A STEP AHEAD! Compared to most other senior centers the NSC is OUT IN FRONT AND A STEP AHEAD!

From the beginning the planners of this amazing Center were A STEP AHEAD of what others were thinking.  They insisted that the new center must include the Wellness Center with a warm water pool and a fitness room! They were A STEP AHEAD of most senior centers. That’s our tradition.

Our Senior Center is A STEP AHEAD in another way. We have a philosophy of SELF-RULE. We are not part of city government, school district or another agency. We elect our volunteer Board of Directors from our membership. We expect them to be responsible to our own mission and purpose. It means our board and committees work hard to serve our members. This is SELF-RULE and it is A STEP AHEAD of how most others senior centers do it.

Finally, we are A STEP AHEAD by being SELF-SUPPORTING! We pay our membership fees and our program fees.  We volunteer at the Used-A-Bit Shoppe and the Popcorn Wagon. We receive grants from the endowment fund, the United Way, and a few other outside sources for specific projects.  And every year we STEP UP and STEP OUT with THE ANNUAL FUND DRIVE to fill the final 10% gap between regular income and expenses.

Our goal for 2015 is to raise $70,000 by the end of the year. Help us stay A STEP AHEAD with your contribution. You received the letter and envelope, or you can pick one up at the reception desk. Return it as soon as possible. Thank you for your STEP AHEAD contribution!


P.S. And think about making this year the year you become a SUSTAINING MEMBER in support of the Senior Center. You make a monthly gift and have it automatically charged to your credit card or transferred from your bank account. It’s very simple and convenient. And it keeps you A STEP AHEAD!!!   Thanks.