Art Gallery
If you are interested in exhibiting at the FiftyNorth Gallery,
please contact the Michelle at (507) 664-3707
Next Artist Reception is: Thursday, March 13, 2025, 4pm
Now Showing in the Gallery:
Rose Kormann – Quilts
Andrea Turini – Jewelry
Gallery Show: March 6 – May 2
Artist Reception
Thursday, March 13 from 4 to 5pm
Andrea Turini – Jewelry
I am a local designer who creates classically elegant beaded statement jewelry that is comfortable and easy to wear. I balance bold colors with unique contrasts to create pieces that seamlessly transition between seasons and styles. My designs use the highest quality Japanese seed beads and Swarovski crystals. They are unique and timeless pieces that coordinate and compliment your outfit, mood and lifestyle. Explore my work at
Rose Kormann – Quilts
From a very early age quilts have interested and fascinated me. I wondered how they made those beautiful blankets. My first teaching experience was on the Turtle Mountain Reservation in Belcourt, North Dakota. During those years one of my students was Darlene. Fast forward twenty years Darlene and I found ourselves employed by the same district as counselors. As our adult friendship developed, I expressed my desire to learn to quilt. Darlene told me her mother was taking quilting lessons on the Reservation, she, in turn, would teach Darlene what she had learned. Darlene offered to then teach me. My student became my teacher. Quilting is therapeutic for me, I can lose myself trying to figure out a pattern, deciding on color combination, placement of the blocks and completing a quilt. It gives me great joy when all goes well and I can gift my quilts to others. I am thrilled to be helping my oldest grandchild make a t-shirt quilt from her St Olaf basketball days.
Hopefully my grandchildren will find the same fulfillment as I teach and share with them quilting techniques.
Coming up Next in the Gallery:
Gallery Show:
Artist Reception
Artists, we are excited to showcase your art here at FiftyNorth, where hundreds of people visit each day!
Our exhibits run for approximately 5 weeks and can be an individual show or a group of artists working together. Contact us for more details.
Gallery space:
- 3 glass cases – 16in x 16in shelves (4-5 shelves per case)
- 4 wall spaces – 6 ft long x 4 ½ ft tall
- 1 long wall – 40 ft long x 4 ½ ft tall