Register for these programs: by phone (507-664-3700), in person at FiftyNorth, or by clicking on the title of the class
Please pre-register and check-in for all classes no matter your membership levels. It is also important to check-in at the front desk when you arrive for your class. We use attendance data for grant applications, insurance reimbursement, space planning and determining whether or not to cancel a class.
Scholarships are available to help defray the cost of classes for those who find the cost a financial hardship
Wednesday, March 12
What can exercise do for me? Can exercise help improve my ailments, my joint pain, my mood or even my cognitive functioning? Dr. Marcy Kramer will help you understand the benefits of exercise on the human body. Learn how exercise not only improves your heart and muscles, but also how it can benefit your entire body and the way it functions.
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106
Thursday, March 13
Do you not have as much energy as you would like to have? What is the secret to increasing your energy? Join Dr. Noel Aldrich, Licensed Nutritionist, as he presents how energy is made in your body and what are the common roadblocks that can stop energy production. Receive a checklist to identify what foods can slow down energy production and what foods will help fuel greater energy.
Instructor: Dr. Noel Aldrich
Capacity: 20
Cost: Nonmember: $25, Member: $15
Space: Room: 104
Monday, March 24
One on One screening with a Northfield Hospital + Clinics physical therapist to check your balance and risk of falls. A 5-10 minute session using professional screening tools.
Provider: NH+C
Capacity: 6 – 1 for each time slot
Cost: FREE
Space: Room 104
Appointment times to choose from:
(If you register online, your appointment time is chosen when you click on check out)
Thursday, March 27
Are you concerned about Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, and weakened bones? Join Dr. Noel Aldrich, Licensed Nutritionist, to learn how bone tissue gets weakened and what lifestyle practices can reverse this trend. Identify the resources available to help you strengthen your bones and improve your quality of life.
Instructor: Dr. Noel Aldrich
Capacity: 20
Cost: Nonmember: $25, Member: $15
Space: Room: 104
Wednesday, April 9
Dementia is currently the seventh leading cause of death among all diseases and one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people globally. During this class Marcy Kramer, Doctor of Physical Therapy will discuss the leading causes of dementia, signs, symptoms and various treatments.
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106
Thursday, April 17
What nutrition supplements are important in our senior years? What supplements may not be necessary? Join Dr. Noel Aldrich, Licensed Nutritionist, to discuss what role supplements provide in our lives. Bring your supplement questions, and brands. Receive resources for identifying the supplements right for you.
Presenter: Dr. Noel Aldrich, Licensed Nutritionist
Capacity: 20
Cost: $25 Nonmembers, $15 Members
Space: Room 104
Wednesday, April 23
Go from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated due to neuropathy, to improving your symptoms and your quality of life naturally. Reduce the symptoms of your neuropathy or reverse it without the use of medications, injections or surgery. Identify the 3 biggest mistakes people make when treating their neuropathy so you can avoid them and have success.
Presenter: Dr. Cody Rodewald
Capacity: 30
Cost: FREE
Space: Room 103
* Dr. Cody Rodewald has treated over 3,000 neuropathy and spinal cases. He got his Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic and his Board Certification in Chronic Pain & Neuropathy from the American College of Physical Medicine.
Wednesday, May 14
Vertigo is a sensation that the environment around you is spinning in circles. It can make a person feel dizzy and off-balance. Vertigo can affect individuals at some of the most inconvenient times and carry on for days. Learn from Dr. Marcy Kramer what Vertigo is, what are the signs and symptoms, and what can you do to battle the effects of vertigo
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106
Wednesday, June 11
Approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and another 44 million Americans have low bone density, placing them at increased risk of Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the structure and strength of bone changes. This can lead to a decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of fractures (broken bones). Learn from Dr. Marcy Kramer the pathology of Osteoporosis, the symptoms, concerns, and treatment of osteoporosis.
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106
Wednesday, July 9
Your hands and feet are extremely vital to everyday living and tasks. Learn how to take care of your feet and hands and how to combat common issues that develop with your hands and feet over time.
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106
Wednesday, August 13
Around 50,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease each year. One in 10 are diagnosed before the age of 50. Parkinson’s is a central nervous system disease that disrupts the dopamine in the brain.
Marcy Kramer, doctor of physical therapy will be presenting a talk on Parkinson’s Disease. Learn what is Parkinson’s disease, how does it affect the person with this disease and what are ways to help treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s with exercise
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106
Wednesday, September 10
Falls and fall-related injuries are among the most common but serious medical problems experienced by older adults. Nearly one-third of older people fall each year, half of which fall more than once per year. Over 3 million Americans over the age of 65 visited hospital emergency departments in 2019 due to fall-related injuries, with over 1.6 million being admitted. Learn from Dr. Marcy Kramer how to prevent falls, how to make your living space less of a fall risk, and how to maintain strong bones and muscles that will help lower your chances of fall risks.
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106
Wednesday, October 8
Up to 1 billion people, nearly one in six of the world’s population suffer from neurological disorders, from Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease, strokes, Multiple Sclerosis and epilepsy to migraine, brain injuries and neuro-infections. Dr. Marcy Kramer will discuss the various neurological disorders that affect our society, what are the warning signs, symptoms, and treatments for the various neurological disorders.
Instructor: Marcy Kramer
Capacity: 25
Cost: $20 Nonmember, $16 Member
Space: Room 106